1.   But some panel members, including Turner, considered giving the honor concept back to the administration.

2.   We considered giving it a miss, but Decided it would look rude.

3.   If your firm lacks the resources to properly monitor security around-the-clock, consider giving the job to a qualified security company.

4.   Please consider giving a penny to Christian Aid for every mile you travel.

5.   Yesterday Barry was back at work but said he had considered giving up his job and moving house following the horrific incident.

6.   And by the way, if Mom loves desserts, consider giving her a copy of the cookbook.

7.   As he considers his fate, he has one brief moment of weakness, when he considers giving himself over to the river that runs through town.

8.   As students get older, parents might consider giving a kitchen-table student a little more leeway and trust and perhaps look at setting up a desk area.

9.   Based on that theory, the Celtics might want to consider giving Ford another extension.

10.   A leading carrier, Delta Air Lines, has denied it is considering giving discounts to big corporations in return for eliminating frequent flier miles.

v-ing giving >>共 246
consider 7.54%
stop 6.92%
start 6.21%
begin 5.45%
avoid 5.07%
deny 4.98%
include 4.31%
keep 3.79%
oppose 3.22%
mean 2.75%
consider v-ing >>共 606
taking 2.89%
buying 2.47%
selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
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